Franz (3) Roggenbuck Descendants

Flötenstein/Schlochau   Flötenstein/Schlochau   Flötenstein/Schlochau   Flötenstein/Schlochau   Lake qui Parle/MI/USA   div. States USA   div. States USA
1770   1800   1830   1875   1900   1930   1960
                San Diego / Cal.        
        ?? Spors     | Bernhard Andreas        
          __ Agathe Spors *1875 | 1894-1966        
            to USA 1894 |          
Michael Roggenbuck __ Johann Joseph __| Jo II Roggenbuck __ Franz Roggenbuck __| Anna *1896     | Suzanne *1952
Elisabeth Rudnick   Rosa Pathun | Maria Schnase   *1872-1942 USA 1889 |       |  
      |       |       |  
      |       | Margarete 1898-1984     | Katherine
      |       |       |  
      |       |       |  
      |       | Clara *1904 __ Claire Burger __| Marguerite
      |         Thomas Burger   Richard Michell |  
      |               |  
      | to USA in 1900   Stegers   Madison/LQP     | Charles Mitchell
      | Andreas 1832-1902 __ Ursula * 1879 __ Peter     |  
        oo 1878 in Stegers   Peter Kemen *1875   Kathe        
    Georg Fritz __ Susanne Spors * 1838       Julia        
    Anna Krukau   geb. Fritz       Esther        

After several discussions we (C. Harrer, L. Spors and J. Roggenbuck) believe that Franz (Martin) Roggenbuck is the son of Joseph II Roggenbuck and Maria Schnase

Finaly I found Franz Martin in California Death Records in

Census data 1910 State of Washington shows this family with the last name of Roggenbock. Franz Martin change his first name meanwhile to Frank.

Immigration date for Andreas and Susanne added. Lastname of Susanne added.

Husband and children of Ursula added. Source: Census 1920 Water Township

Added more details to Andreas (marriage date and first name of his mother). More details on his wife Susanne.

Added more details for Bernard Andreas *1894

Added parents and grand parents to Joe II

Geburtsjahr Andreas und Susanne korrigiert

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Copyright© 1996-2020 Jonny Roggenbuck
Created 03-05-2000
Last revision 12-06-2020