Source: kath. Church Book of Flötenstein 1814.
The two church books are in the Archive of the catholic church in Koszalin / Poland.
Archiwum Diecezji Koszalinsko-Kolobrzeskiej
ul. Seminaryjna 2
75-950 Koszalin
Poland / Polen
Tel. +48 94 345 90 27
Director: ks. dr Tadeusz Ceynowa, Tel. +48 94 345 90 32
Archive: Malgorzata Wieczorkowska, Tel. +48 94 345 90 27
How to obtain a record?
Personal: Before driving to Koszalin, make a telefon arrangement ahead.
Mail: Write a letter to the above address. Specify the location (Kozcala/Flötenstein), the date (if known) the event, and the persons first and last name. See form letter. Take the link pointing to Ecclesiastical. Explain the connection to the person you are searching for. You will get an answering letter from the archive how to procced(inital fees, search fees, etc). Initial fee will be 70 ZL or 22 Euros.
Transcription of the above church book entries was done by Anna Roggenbuck in April 2006. Thank you!
Archiv Köslin:Dort liegen die Flötensteiner Kirchenbücher auf CD.
Added some more entries from churchbook transciption